Friday 8 October 2010

Running Order

Time Span Description

0 secs Vox Pops of people saying 'Making It Big' and the title credits in front of a live band we filmed playing with rock music playing with it.

5 secs Introduction to documentary. Footage of bands playing with narration/cutaways.

25 secs Flowers For Helen footage from shows (our recording) plus some archive.
Interview and cutaways will be used as well

1 min 25 Footage of Instruments with narration. Not as easy as it seems

1 min 50 Music as a subject

2 mins Interview with experts and cutaways

2 mins 30 Narration over well known bands before they were famous

2 mins 45 Second band interview

3 mins 15 Third band interview

4 mins 10 Vox pops - views on unsigned bands

4 mins 30 Narration over bands playing - reflection on peoples views

4 mins 45 Experts - University lecturers interview

5 mins Brief history of music leading into an interview with someone who works in a
recording studio

6 mins 56 Clip from battle of the bands - describing what it is (voice over)

7 mins 30 Interview with events manager from 02 academy in Liverpool - describing a local
battle of the bands

9 mins 03 Montage of stills/images and live footage of band No Signal - voice over introducing

9 mins 25 No Signal interview

10 mins 10 Footage of guitar lesson - voice over describing first steps of becoming a musician

11 mins 30 Interview with private guitar teacher


17 mins Footage of Enginevein (high school band), Flowers For Helen (middle point), Pegasus
Bridge (just signed) and Iron Maiden (over 35 yrs playing) - voice over describing
ideal progression of bands

22 mins Voice over on top of footage of Muse playing at Wembley - Stage most bands want to
get to

23 mins Mixed interview - describing the best way to get your band to that point

23 mins 30 Interview 1 - Russell Dyson, University Lecturer

24 mins Interview 2 - Recording Studio member of staff

24 mins 30 Interview 3 - 02 academy member of staff

25 mins Interview 4 - Jim Mason, University Lecturer

25 mins 30 Voice over summing up points made in the documentary about 'Making it big' as a
band, playing over faded out footage of a band

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