Friday 8 October 2010

Initial Ideas

We narrowed our initial idea's down to ten ideas.

1. Childhood.

2. Teenagers.

3. Fashion.

4. Local music scene.

5. Buses.

6. Walton Gardens.

7. The River Mersey.

8. Converse.

9. EMA

10. Drugs.

We then narrowed them down further to three and put them in order to decide which would be best to base our documentary on.


Pro's- It would be easy to get opinions from people because almost everyone uses them. They affect a lot of people and therefore we wouldn't be short of interviewee's. Its extremely easy to access information because bus services have websites with a variety of information on. They also distribute leaflets and have posters everywhere.

Con's- It isn't a very exciting subject so the documentary could get boring. It could also be hard to get an interview with an 'expert' because it could be seen as potentially bad publicity depending on how we use the information.

We decided not to go with this idea because we wanted to concentrate on an exciting subject that people would want to watch rather than endure.


Pro's- We could get interview's with people of all ages and the viewpoint of different generations. Also because of the wide range of possible interviewee's it would be relatively easy to get interviews. It would also be easy to access 'expert' opinions.

Con's- It could get boring depending on how we do it. It could also be difficult to get people to open up about their childhood if it was troubled. It could also be difficult getting permission from parents or guardians when it comes to interviewing their children. Also children are unpredictable so we might not get any footage that would be good enough to put in the documentary.

We decided not to do our documentary on this subject because the negatives outweighed the positives.

Local music scene/trying to make it big

Pro's- We have quite a few potential interviewee's so we wouldn't be short of interviews with bands. During the pre-research we were able to set up interviews with experts, music lecturers. Also it is an exciting subject so it would be interesting to produce as well as to watch. The subject would also be helpful to a lot of people because many people in bands are convinced that can 'make it big' without knowing how hard it can be, so it would be extremely informative to people.

Con's- Some bands may not want to be interviewed or have any of their performances filmed, so we would have to ensure we have permission.

We decided to go with this idea because it would make an interesting documentary that has an audience wanting to watch it. Also the positives outweighed the negatives. It would relate to a young audience and we easily able to set up interviews with university lecturers and a band called Flowers for Helen.

Schedule for documentary to be shown at 9 pm as most of the target audience, aged 14+, would be watching the television at that time and may choose to watch our documentary.

Channel for documentary to be shown on would be channel 4 as they show a broad range of high quality and diverse programming which, in particular:

• demonstrates innovation, experiment and creativity in the form and content of programmes;

• appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society;

• makes a significant contribution to meeting the need for the licensed public service channels to include programmes of an educational nature and other programmes of educative value; and

• exhibits a distinctive character.

Following this we believe our documentary fits in with this and should be shown on channel 4.
The name of our documentary is ‘Making it Big?' as the main focus of our documentary is new bands trying to make it in the music industry and the troubles they face on the way.

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