Friday 8 October 2010

Questionaires + Results

We gave out 30 questionnaires, 15 boys and 15 girls. 27 of them were written and 3 were recorded in a interview.

Recorded Interviews

Questionnaires and the results in graphs

Please circle your answer.

Are you male or female?

Male Female

We split the questionaires equally between boys and girls to see if there was a difference in opinions from different sexes.

How old are you?

17 – 19 20-23 24+

We handed out the majority of the questionnaires to fellow students at our college and in our media class so this means are target audiences will be at students and young adults

What is your favourite genre?

Rock Metal Indie Pop Rap Classical Jazz Dance

Other …………………………………………….

The questionnaire results show that the rock genre seems to be the most popular with the young age range so we are going to concentrate on the rock genre to appeal to the target audience.

Do you enjoy live music?

Yes Sometimes Never

The results show that most of the participants like live music so we will show live footage of bands to appeal to our target audience.

If yes how many times have you been this year?
0 1-3 4-6 7-9 10+
The results show that the majority of the participants have been 1-3 gigs this year which also shows that they do enjoy live music.

Do you keep with the local music scene in your area?
Yes No Sometimes
The results show that the majority of participants don't keep up with their local music scene so hopefully our documentary can help raise awareness of the local music scenes.

Have you ever been to an un-signed gig?
Yes No
Most of the participants hadn't been to see a unsigned band so hopefully this documentary will raise their awareness and get them interested.

Have you ever been to a ‘Battle of the bands style gig?
Yes No

This graphs shows that the majority of the participants haven't been to a battle of the bands style gig so we will include footage of a battle of the bands to raise their awareness about them.

If yes to the previous two questions, how did you hear about it?
Facebook Through a friend Poster Radio Other…....…
Out of the 14 participants who answered yes to the previous question, the majority of them heard about the gig via Facebook which shows that Facebook is a great place for a band to advertise themselves.

If advertisement for local bands gigs were more widely distributed would you go?
Yes No Maybe

The graph shows that even if local bands gig were advertised more that they still wouldn't go whereas the other half would or would consider it. This is good information for the target audience as if they are in a band it gives them a idea that they have to be more creative.

Have you ever been involved in a band?
Yes No

The graph shows that just under half the participants have been involved in a band and over half haven't so this good for the target audience as they can relate to the documentary.

Has this questionnaire made you want to look for bands in your local area?
Yes No

The graph shows that our questionnaire has raised the participants awareness of their local music scene and hopefully will get them a little more involved.

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