Thursday 11 November 2010

Documentary Diary - Flowers for Helen

Unfortunately I was unable to attend due to over commitments so they went on and filmed Flowers for Helen gig at the Masque in Liverpool on 07/10/2010 and also got to interview them afterwards.

Looking back at the footage, what worked with the interview is that the band answered the questions in full and gave back some funny answers which reflects their individual personality's. With the gig footage, they have a great close up view of the stage which shows there performance really well.

What didn't work was that we had planned to interview the band backstage but because of the noise from other bands performing they had to move the location to downstairs where it was quieter. The new location wasn't really ideal as it was dark and hard to hear what the band members were saying. Consequently we will are going to re film the interview at the Taxi club, Walton.

Revised list of band questions

What genre would you place your music in?

What artists influence you? as a band

How did you come up with the name for your band?

When did you form/how long have you been together?

Who is in the band and what instruments do you play? Introduce yourselves - what role do you play in the band

Do you write your own songs?

Do you like to do covers?

Have you recorded anything in a studio?

Where do you get the money to do things? like travel/studio time

How do you travel to and from gigs?

Do you have a manager?

What’s your main goal as a band?

Do you thing image plays a big part in a band?

Where you see yourself in 5/10 years time?

How do you express your individual personalities? do you think its important

How do you distribute your music?

Do you have a big fan base?

Do you use the internet as a tool to reach a wider audience?


Do you have a myspace account and use it to interact with your fans?

Do you have a target audience?

Do you interact with fans?

Where do you practice?

What is it like to have gone from being in an audience to playing on stage?

What is your stance on music being downloaded illegally?

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