Thursday 11 November 2010

Documentary Diary - University Lecturers Interview

On the 19/10/10 we went and interviewed Russell Dyson, Senior lecturer in Commercial Music Production and Jim Mason, Senior Lecturer in Commercial Music Production who teach at Chester University in Warrington. We wanted to interview them in front of some of music production equipment but some of the students at the college were using it so we interviewed them in some rehearsal space.

What worked was that they answered the questions fully and went into detail and the framing of the interview was good.

What didn't work as well was one of the lecturers wasn't looking the right way and we had to move locations from where we originally were hoping to film.

Questions below are the original list and the ones in bold are the questions that we didn't ask on the day.

Some information about yourselves.

General positive and negative points about the music industry.

Brief overview of the industry and how it works.

Brief overview of how music is made


Does a band/artist need any knowledge of the industry to make?

What exactly is popular music?

Is marketing important when selling records?

Is a bands image important?

Is downloading music becoming more popular than buying CDs leading to ‘extinction’ of the CD?

Is downloading music illegally becoming a big problem for bands and artists?

How do bands/artists promote their music?

How do bands/artists get into the industry?

Is it better for bands/artists to have a manger or manage themselves?

What is Fan Culture?

What is music law and what types of laws are there?

What exactly is commercial music making?

How do record labels work?

How does the music industry work and what are the latest issues affecting it, if any?

What is the cultural politics of music and how is it linked with industry matters?

What is the relationship between popular music and race/gender identities?

How music is talked about and consumed?

What is the role of music in society as a commodity and force for social cohesion?

What is the cultural significance of popular music?

Is there a realistic outlook on the industry?

What are your views on auto tune?

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