Monday 13 December 2010


Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our media product uses codes and conventions from documentaries which we analysed at the research stage of our documentary making. In the powerpoint presentation below you will see how we have used the codes and conventions that we learnt from analysing the documentaries comparing them with one from a professional program and the documentary that we filmed.

Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The Audio clip below talks about our Print Poster and how good its combination with the documentary was.

The Audio Clip Below talks about our Radio Trailer and how good it combination with the documentary was.

Q3. What have you learned from your target audience?

I uploaded our documentary up to my own personal Facebook page and also up on to my own Youtube page and invited my friends to watch it and tell me what they think about it.

Below is a screenshot of the comments on the Facebook Video.

Below are the comments for the Youtube Video

From putting the documentary up on my own personal Youtube and Facebook page, it let me get feedback from my friends about what they thought about the 5 minute sample of the documentary. I got good feedback from my friends but some of them did not enjoy. This is because they are not into that type of music which makes me believe that our documentary will only be watched if people are into that type of music shown in the radio trailer and in the image shown on the print poster. But some of friends who are into different genre's of music like RnB commented saying they really enjoyed because it opened there eyes up to their own music scene.

Q4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

For the research and planning of the documentary, I used several media technologies. For the researching I used the internet to research some of the ideas for documentaries that we come up with as a group. Examples of some of the sites used would be mainly Google, Google Images and Youtube. The internet was also used to further research our ideas once we had narrowed them down and it was also used to get ideas for different bands and lecturers to interview once we had the category we were doing our documentary on which was about Local Music Scenes. Finding extracts, archive material and cutaways was used with the internet and to analyse and research different styles of print posters and radio trailers.

Microsoft word was used to construct the questions for the questionnaires and Microsoft Excel was used to create the graphs of the results for the questionnaires. Microsoft Word was also used for scripts for the radio trailer and the voice over.

For the construction of the documentary there were several media technologies used. For the filming of our documentary, First of all we used the camera provided by college which was a Hanon Mx2. We used to film our interview's with the two University lecturers and the interview with the band Flowers for Helen. The camera was also used in filming the Vox pops and the 'Flowers for Helen' gig.

A 3 legged tripod and a microphone was used during the filming along with the camera. For the vox pops we used the tripod high up and had the frame as the interviewee's head and for the interview's we had the interviewee's to either the right or left of the frame a medium height on the tripod. This was a problem with band interview as there was 5 of them positioned to them right of the frame and the height of the tripod was wrong so the framing was off which forced us to re-film the interview with the band. We learnt from the mistakes from the first interview and got the positioning and the framing right when we re-filmed.

A Digital stills camera was also used to shots of us filming for the diaries and also it was used for the print poster and also I used my mobile phones which is a Samsung Tocco to take photos.

For the editing of our documentary many different programs were used, the main one being Adobe Premier Pro. Adobe Premier Pro was used to edit our documentary, we uploaded everything we recorded and put it on here to decide what we wanted to keep and what we didn't need. Also still shots and archive material was put on here used as cutaways.

Adobe Photoshop was used for the construction of our opening titles, to edit some of the still images and for the making of our print poster.

For the construction of our radio trailer and our voice over we used the radio studio which enabled us to get a voice and sound quality from the microphone so there no outside noice interference.

For Question 2, My phone was used again to record my audio voice over for the explaining of the effectiveness of the ancilliary texts and our main product.

For Question 3, I used Facebook and Youtube to advertise our documentary for them to watch it and to give me feedback on what they thought of it. I also used paint for when I had print screened the comments and used paint to crop out useless information and to keep people's opinions anonymous.

For Question 4, My phone was used again for images, Paint was also used for when I print screened things and need to crop pieces out and also Google was used to get some extra images.

And mainly I used to write all of our information onto for easy viewing.

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