Friday 3 December 2010

Creating our print advertisement

Ideas - Below are some the images that we used as inspiration. We went through many different ideas before coming up with our final print poster. We started with the idea of having instuments being destoryed or on fire.

Burning Instruments

The images above is a guitar that is on fire which gave us the idea of having an instruments being destoyed maybe even being on fire signifying to the audience that rock band culture is slowly dieing out but then we came to the conclusion that this would be too dangerous and also it would take several shots to get the perfect one of the guitar smashing and we didn't have enough money between us to keep buying guitars to set fire to.

Empty stage

After we came to the conclusion that the burning/destroying instruments would be to expensive and also too dangerous we came up with the idea of just having a empty stage just with instruments on it symbolising that band culture is slowly fading away but we came to the conclusion that the image would lack detail and would be hard to get the message across.

Band members smashing guitars

We came up with this idea at the same time as the burning instruments idea came up and came to the conclusion that this would also be too dangerous and expensive incase we accidentally broke something.

Band members playing instruments

This was a good idea but it possibly wouldn't get across the aim and the point of our documentary so we decided to go against this.

First Attempt

Print screen of the making of the final print advertisement

The screen shot above shows the editing process of making the print poster and shows the idea that we had finally narrowed it down to.

Final Print Poster

This our Final Print Poster which was originally a gig ticket but we edited the text off using photoshop and put all the print poster codes and conventions on there including the title of the program, the channel, time and date and it also has the tag line of the documentary which is 'Could you smash the charts'. It also has the channel 4 ident in the bottom right corner and also has a ticket price and number which makes the audience think at first glance it is a gig advert but as they look at it longer they release that it is a program.

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